Chapter 4 of Title 22 of the Pa. Code (22 Pa. Code 4.4) provides for the right of any parent/guardian to excuse his/her child from the state assessment if, upon inspection of the testing materials, he/she finds the assessment to be in conflict with his/her religious beliefs. This is the only basis under Chapter 4 rules for a parent/guardian to excuse his or her child from the statewide assessments.
Procedures for opt-out:
- Once tests have been received by the District, assessments are available for review by parents/guardians. The assessment must be reviewed on district property and district personnel must be present at all times. A parent interested in opting their child out of the assessment must schedule an appointment to review the testing materials with a building administrator. Prior to reviewing materials a confidentiality agreement must be signed to ensure test security.
- If after reviewing the test parents/guardians find the test to be in conflict with their religious beliefs and wish their student(s) to be excused from the test, the parents/guardians must provide a written request to the Superintendent that states they do not want their child tested because the test conflicts with their religious beliefs.
Students that opt out due to a religious exemption must instead meet the state's graduation requirements by fulfilling one of the
other pathways to graduation.