Buildings, Grounds & Transportation Committee
Purpose: Provide the facilities and transportation services needed to support the educational programs.
Chairperson: Alex O'Neill
Vice Chairperson: Alexandra Binsse
Finance Committee
Purpose: Optimize the limited financial resources available to meet the goals of the District.
Chairperson: Jason Camilletti
Vice Chairperson: Alex O'Neill
Education Committee
Purpose: Provide quality educational opportunities for all students.
Chairperson: Rolf Briegel
Vice Chairperson: Dr. Shari Payne
Share Your Feedback with the Education Committee!
The Education Committee of the School Board values parent involvement in our educational programming. The Committee has created a designated e-mail account to facilitate increased communication with our families regarding educational matters. If you have comments, suggestions, or concerns that you would like to share regarding our educational programming, please send your comments to the Committee at
[email protected].
The Committee Chairs will check this account monthly. Comments and feedback sent to the Committee may be used to shape future Education Committee agendas. Please note that any information included in your comments to the Committee may be discussed at a public meeting of the Board. If you have specific questions about your child’s course or classwork, please contact the teacher or building administrator directly.
Policy Committee
Purpose: Develop policy that reflects district and community needs and addresses state and federal regulations. (All District policies are now available on-line. Visit District Policies)
Chairperson: Lisa Anderson
Vice Chairperson: Kathleen Chaudhari
Personnel Committee
Purpose: Ensure that quality personnel are employed, trained, and retained to meet student needs.
Chairperson: Daniel Taylor
Vice Chairperson: Jason Camilletti