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631 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724-941-6251
Fax: 724-941-6565
View Peters Township School District

Health Services

Health Services

About Us

The Peters Township School District provides school nurses and health paraprofessionals to assist in providing a safe and healthy educational environment in our schools. Our school nurses are registered nurses, as well as certified school nurses.

With the assistance of the health paraprofessionals, our school nurses complete required State health screenings and examinations of students; maintain accurate student health records; provide preventative health care information to staff, students, and parents; and treat minor student and staff illnesses and accidents during the school day.

Immunization Requirements

School Vaccination Information for Parents

In August of 2017, the PA Department of Health changed its immunization regulations to ensure that children attending school in the commonwealth are adequately protected against potential outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases.
A child must have required immunizations or risk exclusion from school.
A child must have the required medically-appropriate immunizations or a plan to complete the immunizations or risk exclusion from school. A child may still obtain medical, religious or philosophical exemption from meeting the immunization requirements. Talk to your child's pediatrician or school nurse about the vaccines your child needs to attend school.
Please see the list below of required immunizations for the current school year. 
Immunization Forms
This form should be completed by a physician and provided to the nurse if vaccines are up to date.
This form should be completed by physician if child needs additional doses of a vaccine, but the next dose is not medically appropriate.
This form should be completed by the physician if there is a medical exemption. Parent/Caregiver can complete form for Religious/Philosophical exemption.
Important Links & Downloads

Student Health Services

Accidents, Injuries and Illness of Students
Peters Township School District has Nurses on hand to attend to those students who incur an accident, are injured or become ill while attending school. Please note that illness or injuries that occur outside of school should be referred to your family practitioner.

If your child becomes ill while at school, they must visit the Nurse's Office to be evaluated by the Nurse. The Nurse will contact parents to arrange for the student to be picked up, if necessary.

Administration of Medication or Medical Care
The Peters Township School District believes that when children are ill, it is best to develop a treatment plan with the consultation of a physician. When possible, the treatment plan should provide for administering medication at times other than during school hours. This can often be accomplished with the use of time-released medication or dispensing medication before or after school hours.

The School District recognizes, however, that there may be instances when medication must be administered during the school day. It will be necessary for parents to provide the School Nurse with parental AND physician consent. District Policies Nos. 210 and 210.1 defines guidelines for the district's responsibility to administer medication. See policy links below.

Please refer to the right margin for medical and dental forms.
Related Policies
Healthy School Environment
Parents may assist in maintaining good health and regular school attendance by attention to the following:
 A. Notify your child's school nurse of any health problems or accidents.
 B. Keep your child's school nurse updated regarding chronic health conditions.
 C. Maintain a regular bedtime and wake up time. Your child will benefit by having time for a healthy breakfast and time to catch the bus without stress.
 D. Please keep your child home if affected by:
1. Fever within past 24 hours (without medication)
2. Nausea and vomiting during previous night.
3. Constant coughing.
4. Colds with heavy mucus secretions.
5. Swollen glands.
6. Inflamed eyes.
7. Any questionable contagious condition.

E. Contact your child's school nurse before they return from any contagious conditions, i.e. chicken pox, head lice, pink eye, ringworm.

Contact Us


Contact your School Nurse or

Dr. Michael Fisher
Assistant Superintendent
Tel 724 941-6251 ext 7298


Laura Gray
Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent
Tel 724 941-6251 ext 7296

Health Forms
*Required by PA Dept. of Ed.
Important Links
Find out more about this low-cost insurance for all children.
from AG Administrators
Wellness Triennial Assessment
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School District
Peters Township School District
Address Info
631 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724-941-6251
Fax: 724-941-6565
Copyright © 2025. Peters Township School District. All Rights Reserved. School CMS created by eSchoolView