2-Hour Delay for Jan. 21, 2025
For Tuesday, January 21st, Peters Township Schools will be operating
in-person on a 2-hour delay with a modified kindergarten schedule. 
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School District
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631 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724-941-6251
Fax: 724-941-6565
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Safety in Peters Township Schools

Over the past several years, the Peters Township School District has taken many steps to help improve the safety and security of the students and staff in all of our buildings. In addition to the Peters Township Police Officers that we have in each of our schools, we utilize the Raptor Visitor Management system for all guests, and we engage all visitors prior to allowing them entrance into the building using video phones in all of our schools. Planned and surprise drills are completed throughout the school year on both evacuation and lockdown procedures so that our staff is familiar with the plan and ready to act in the event of an emergency. On an ongoing basis, our safety plans evolve as we examine past events in other districts and work to improve our procedures. We continually review and test our safety plan and processes to ensure that we are enacting the most up-to-date safety and security efforts.
As a result of this planning, a few years ago Peters Township implemented the ALICE system. You may have read about this in the media as this training has been adopted in many local schools and is overwhelmingly recommended by police departments across the country. ALICE focuses on providing options during a crisis. The acronym is defined below with brief explanations of the steps.
A Alert Get the word out! Using clear and concise language, alert as many people as possible to the danger in the building.
Secure your location by locking and barricading the entrances. 
Communication continues throughout the incident to allow staff to make decisions.
CCounterApply skills to distract, confuse and possibly detain the intruder. Please note, this is an option only when lockdown and evacuation are not viable.
E EvacuateEvacuate Removing the number of potential targets by moving as far from the intruder as possible.
Using the options above, staff and students will be trained that in the event of an emergency they are to: Listen carefully to the information being provided (will likely include location and type of event)
  • Go to and/or remain in a secure area until it is safe to evacuate.
  • As soon as it is safe to do so, evacuate the building.
  • If an armed intruder would invade their location, apply the tactics to distract, confuse and possibly gain control.
ALICE Training stresses that these steps and options are not linear – they may occur in any order based on the information provided and the specifics of the threat. In no way are we asking our staff or students to subdue an intruder outside of their secure area. Our primary goal is to provide them with options to remove them from a dangerous situation, and to share tactics that can be applied if they are faced with a life and death situation that have been shown to greatly improve their chance of survival.
Understanding that our communication with students will vary by age level, our safety teams and elementary counselors have created age appropriate lessons for our students. Our safety drills reflect these new options, and students and staff receive ongoing training during each school year.
Several members of our administrative team, along with High School Resource Officer Jim Stevick, have become certified trainers in the ALICE method. Our partnership between the District and the Peters Township Police is the hallmark of all of our safety efforts. Our ALICE trainers have led our training efforts and work with counselors and other staff members as we communicate with students.
Our hope is that we will never need to utilize these methods in our schools. It is our responsibility, however, to be prepared. We believe ALICE training, in conjunction with our other safety efforts, will give us the tools to create the best chance for survival.
The District has created a safety training video to help train staff and older students in the ALICE approach to school safety. This video will serve as a reminder of the options provided in ALICE and will be supplemented by training drills. A link to view the video is below.
View the Video

Threat Assessment Team

In June of 2019, Pennsylvania passed a law that requires schools to establish threat assessment teams.  Under the direction of the District's School Safety and Security Coordinator, District Administration, principals, school nurses, counselors and School Resource Officers are members of the team in the Peters Township School District.  

The goal of the team is to keep everyone safe and work with the student making the threat before they act. Threats can be made by someone who wants to:
  • Harm themselves
  • Harm other students
  • Harm school staff members
  • Harm the school building
  • Bring harm into the community
To learn more about preventing violence in our schools, you can review this power point from the Pennsylvania School Safety and Security Committee, through the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) linked below or contact Dr. Michael Fisher, School Safety and Security Coordinator

Contact Us

Dr. Michael Fisher
Assistant Superintendent and School Safety and Security Coordinator
Tel 724 941-6251 ext 7298
Shelly Belcher
Communications Coordinator
Tel 724 941-6251 ext 7205

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School District
Peters Township School District
Address Info
631 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724-941-6251
Fax: 724-941-6565
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