Welcome to the Library Media Centers in our Schools!
The Peters Township School District provides a written, articulated and dynamic library media curriculum to all students in grades K-12. The library media centers at each school educate students on using specific online public access catalogs (opac) and various technology literacy skills as outlined in the PA Technology Standards and ISTE NETS Standards for students. The librarians work with the staff in each building to provide curriculum support and activities to enhance the district's reading initiatives.
The Library Media Center (LMC) in each school actively promotes the purpose and joy of reading. They sponsor annual events and projects such as Library Café, Library Luncheons, Reading Counts, Accelerated Reader, Book Fairs, Author Visits, PA Readers, Recycled Book Trades, Principal's Reading Challenge and live school news broadcasts. Our school LMCs also form partnerships with the Peters Township Public Library.
Serving as the schools' academic and research areas, the library media centers are staffed by certified school librarians and support staff. Parent, student and community volunteers provide valuable help in each library.
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