2-Hour Delay for Jan. 21, 2025
For Tuesday, January 21st, Peters Township Schools will be operating
in-person on a 2-hour delay with a modified kindergarten schedule. 
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631 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724-941-6251
Fax: 724-941-6565
View Peters Township School District


Transportation Department

Student getting off the bus at school.
About Us
The Transportation Department of the Peters Township School District is a part of the Buildings and Grounds Department of the district. It is the goal of Peters Township School District and its contracted carriers to provide safe transportation service in accordance with the Pennsylvania School Code and Pennsylvania State Transportation Code to all students except those who reside within designated walking areas under the following guide lines.
Only those students who meet the eligibility requirements by means of proof of residence (please refer to Board Policy 200.1) will be permitted to use school bus transportation for the purpose of travel to and from school unless otherwise authorized by the Superintendent or their designee. Under Pennsylvania State Law the district also provides bus service to private and parochial schools within ten miles from the boundaries of the township.
The District does provide one way transportation for Kindergarten students as follows:
  • Half-day A.M. Kindergarten students may be transported to school only.
  • Half-day P.M. Kindergarten students may be transported from school only.
Transportation for Children with Disabilities 
The District shall provide transportation for exceptional children as required by special education law and authorized thru the District’s Director of Pupil Services.
Transportation of Non-Public, Private/Parochial School Students 
Non-public, private/parochial students are entitled to the same transportation service as public school students. The Non-public, private/parochial school must be approved by the Department of Education and the school is located with-in a ten mile radius of the nearest districts boundary.
Bus Schedule 
Bus schedules have been carefully prepared to accommodate the transportation needs of the district. The times are approximate and subject to revision. Students are required to be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the designated time. Bus assignments for Peters Township School District students have been provided via PowerSchool.
Transportation Information for Private, Parochial and Vo-Tech students are mailed home prior to the start of the school year. If you have questions please contact the Transportation Office or email Mrs.Tracy Bidoli.
Bus Transportation Safety 
We are very proud of the safety record and the high quality of our state inspections. State inspections occur at a minimum of three times per year per vehicle. Our vehicles are annually inspected by the state police and consistently maintained throughout the school year. Of the twelve school bus garages inspected by the state police in the area, our buses are routinely at the top of this safety inspection list.
Behavior Standards 
The bus driver is in charge of the vehicle, and his or her instructions are to be obeyed. Buses carrying students will be considered as extensions of the school setting. A high standard of student behavior on school buses while entering or leaving the buses is expected and will be required. Any student whose conduct on a school vehicle is found improper will be subject to disciplinary procedures as per appropriate grade and building level discipline codes. Smoking, throwing objects from the bus or windows, rowdyism, standing while the bus is in motion, deliberate delays in boarding, unauthorized transferring to another bus, opening of emergency doors without the driver's permission (except in bona fide emergencies), distracting the attention of the driver, failure to cooperate with the driver, or any conduct detrimental to safe bus operation will result in a review of the offending student's opportunity to continue to ride the bus, and may cause permanent loss of this privilege or suspension from school. Damage to the vehicle will be charged to the student responsible.
All buses serving Peters Township School District transportation needs are subject to being both video and audio recorded to assist in ensuring that the students are transported in a manner that protects them as well as the vehicle operator from physical injury, verbal abuse, or threats. Such recordings, both audio and video, may be utilized in all disciplinary investigations of students and employees of Peters Township School District and its contracted service providers. 
The School District is responsible for disciplining students who misbehave at the bus stop or riding to and from school. Parents/guardians are responsible for the behavior of their own children on the way to and on the way from the bus stop.
Bus Routes and Services Policy 
A policy is in place that governs regular routes and service. Except when otherwise determined by the School Board for reasons of safety of students and vehicles, expediting routes, or convenience to the district, school buses will be routed through plans of homes only when a continuous forward progress can be maintained. Visit District Policy No. 810 
  • The District will comply with all requirements of the "Hazardous Roads" Act.
  • The District buses will not travel into streets or roads terminating in a cul-de-sac or dead end, except for special situations that involve special needs students.
  • Transportation vehicles will be routed in the most efficient manner consistent with safety and State law.
  • Buses will not travel into new developments when construction equipment, materials or vehicles may block or hinder safe access. A bus stop will be assigned at the entrance of the plan, until such time as construction is complete and/or the roadway is clear from hazards and obstructions.
  • The Transportation Department will develop a plan annually for eliminating or consolidating bus stops.
Procedures for New Students or Change of Address 
No student will be assigned transportation until the proper documentation has been submitted to the school the student will be attending. Non Public students are entitled to the same transportation service as public school students. The non-public school must be approved by the Department of Education and the school must be located with-in a ten mile radius of the nearest districts boundary. Once registered, the information is sent to the transportation office for a bus assignment. Please allow at least 3-5 business days for this process as some buses may have to be rerouted to accommodate a new stop. All Peters Township School District students can access their Power School account for updates. All non-public students will be contacted. Please note that District policy requires that parents provide three (3) items as proof of residency upon registration or change of address. Those items may include: Mortgage or lease agreements (temporary proof only) Driver’s license Auto registration Utility bills Tax statements Check stubs from wages, public assistance, or social security Additional information on proof of residency can be found in District policy 200.1
Special Transportation Request 
The District is not responsible for the transportation of students to locations other than the student’s home residence. Students are to ride the bus to which they are assigned. Only in an emergency situation will students be permitted to ride another bus unless otherwise assigned.Permission to ride a different bus must be obtained from the transportation department. The student must first bring a note from home or parent contact via phone or e-mail must be made to the transportation department. Upon approval the school will issue a note which the bus driver will accept and allow the student to ride their bus. Bus drivers will not accept verbal confirmation from the parent and there must be space available on the bus to accommodate the request.
Alternative Transportation Stop 
The Peters Township School District recognizes and understands the needs for alternative transportation arrangements and/or schedules for the needs of childcare and split custody agreements. These arrangements must be submitted in writing to the transportation department using the link to the form provided.
All bus drivers wear District provided name badges. Bus drivers must be at least 21 years of age, have a commercial driver's license, pass a state school bus driver's exam, complete 20 hours of instruction, and have Act 33/34 child abuse and criminal history clearance, possess F.B.I. clearances and fingerprinting requirements, pass pre-employment and random drug testing and pass an annual physical exam. Visit Employment

Contact Us

Building and Grounds Department
Maintenance Facility
110 Bell Drive
McMurray, PA 15317

Mrs. Tracy Bidoli
Director of Transportation
Tel 724 941-4850 ext 6012
Fax 724 941-2051

Ms. Petrina DeNillo
Secretary, Buildings, Grounds & Transportation
Tel 724 941-4850 ext 6010
Fax 724 941-2051

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School District
Peters Township School District
Address Info
631 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724-941-6251
Fax: 724-941-6565
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