The German Club will meet on Tuesday, February 11, for some Valentine’s Day food and activities.
Peer Jury applications are now available from Mrs. Vollmer in room 235. There will be 5 open spots for next year. If you are interested in the legal system and helping your community, please consider applying. See Mrs. Vollmer with any questions.
The library is open today for study halls! There are limited spots for each period so sign up early on the library website. The form opens every day by 7:15 a.m. See Mrs. Rose if you have any questions.
Attention PTHS, the junior class is holding a homemade cinnamon roll fundraiser. Place your orders now though 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, February 11. Pick up is February 13, in the main lobby before school. You can find the QR code to order in your homeroom or look for the link on social media. This is open to all students and faculty! Please support the junior class and order some cinnamon rolls today!
The Western Area Career & Technology Center (WACTC) application is now available online for all first-year students. Go to and click on “Online Registration for New Students for the 25-26 School Year.” There is a step-by-step guide on how to complete the new online application titled, “CTE Student/Parent Application Instructions.” To begin the application, click on “Peters Township." Make sure to complete the application in its entirety. All applications are due at the close of scheduling on March 14, 2025. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Patton in the Counseling Office or [email protected]
Valentine's Day Coffee Gram - Get a Coffee Gram Coupon for just $2 by Monday, February 10. All coupons must be used by February 28, 2025. Simply scan the QR code, then provide your name, the recipient's name, and their homeroom. Coffee Gram Coupons will be delivered on Thursday, February 13.
Please pick up any remaining ceramic pieces from 1st semester by the end of the day today. Any pieces remaining after today will be removed.
A representative from Savannah College of Design (SCAD) will be visiting Tuesday, February 11, during third period in the Counseling Office. Sign up on Naviance to attend.
A representative from the U.S. Army will be visiting Tuesday, February 11, during all lunch periods in the cafeteria.
Are you interested in traveling to London, Paris, Madrid and Barcelona in June of 2026? Join us for an informational meeting about this European adventure on Wednesday, February 19, at 7:00 p.m. in LGI 313. Please scan the QR code to RSVP for the meeting or stop by room 112 to see Ms. Wilmus with questions.
On Monday, February 10, come cheer on your PTHS Unified Bocce team for their last match against Montour, celebrate our seniors, and watch them clinch a spot in the playoffs! Senior rec will begin at 2:45 p.m. and the match will begin at 3:15 p.m.
3:30 p.m. Boys FR Basketball AWAY @ Bethel Park HS
5:30 p.m. Boys JV Basketball AWAY @ Bethel Park HS
5:30 p.m. Girls V Basketball AWAY @ Bethel Park HS
7:00 p.m. Girls JV Basketball AWAY @ Bethel Park HS
7:15 p.m. Boys V Basketball AWAY @ Bethel Park HS