The Peters Township Board of School Directors has set the third Monday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Peters Township Administration Building as the date/time/place for their regular monthly meetings. Exceptions do apply when holidays fall on the third Monday of the month and for the December re-organization meeting. Detailed meeting dates and times may be found on the calendar on the District website and on the right side of this page. Anyone needing ADA special arrangements to attend a meeting should contact the Superintendent's Office at 724-941-6251, ext. 7206 prior to the meeting.
Special committee meetings are also conducted on an as-needed basis.
Persons who wish to bring matters before the Board are encouraged to contact the Superintendent's Office at 724 941-6251 ext 7206 no later than no later than noon on the day of the meeting (unless an alternate date is otherwise specified in the meeting announcement. Public comment periods are provided during the Board meeting. See Board Policy 903 for complete details.