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264 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724.941.6251
Fax: 724.942.0915
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Counseling Services

Middle School Counseling Services

Our Counselors are available throughout the school day for students and parents. For more information on our staff and who to contact (including phone extensions and email links), please visit our Meet the Counselors page. 

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Our Program

The Peters Township School District provides school counselors at all levels. The counselors at Peters Township Middle School provide services to address the academic, social, and emotional needs of students and their families. In addition, the counselors strive to assist each student in adjusting to his/her environment and to aid in solving problems.

The school counselors facilitate responsive services for students. These services may include, but are not limited to: short term individual and small group counseling for students; participation in the Student Assistance Program (STAR team) meetings; and collaboration with and referrals to local area child service and/or mental health agencies.

Part of the goal of the school counseling department is to compliment classroom learning. This is accomplished, in part, by attending weekly core team meetings with grade level teachers. Counselors may also attend core team parent conferences and IEP meetings.

The school counselors are available to students in the Counseling Office every day during school hours. They are also available to parents for scheduled appointments, before and during school.

There is also a district wide School Social Worker, who is available for consultation and short term counseling, by referral. The social worker is also a member of the STAR team and attends weekly meetings.

Student Registration

Visit our New Student Enrollment Page
General Information for Parents
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School District
PT Middle School
Address Info
264 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724.941.6251
Fax: 724.942.0915
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