Students in grades 10, 11, and 12 may elect a course of study that would include a half-day program at the Western Area Career and Technology Center in Houston, PA.
Students have a six (6) period day at the high school in the morning and leave for Western Area on the 11:45 am bus. The program at Western Area Career and Technology Center requires faithful attendance. Chronic absenteeism will result in removal from the program.
Disciplinary infractions at Western Area Career and Technology Center will be reported to the Peters Township High School Administration. Students must follow the Peters Township High School Handbook while attending the High School and the Western Area Career and Technology Center's rules, guidelines, and procedures apply while at WACTC. If, at any time, the Administration(s) from either school believes the student's best interest would be served by the student returning to the home school, this action will be considered and a meeting held with the parents/guardians as well as the student's grade-level assistant principal to review the matter.
See the Course Description Booklet for courses offered at WACTC or the WACTC web site for more details.