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McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724.941.6251
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Postsecondary Planning

Naviance Student

Naviance is a comprehensive career and college readiness program for high schools that helps align student strengths and interests with post secondary goals.  Naviance is the name full program, and the side of the program that the high school faculty utilizes.  The parent and student side of the program is titled Naviance Student. Naviance Student is an excellent career & college research tool, organizational tool, and college application tool.  
Students activate their accounts during a Counseling Goal Setting Lesson in September of their 9th grade year. Parents are sent activation codes during their son or daughter's 9th grade year.  The link for the Log In Page is: Naviance Student
Linking Common App & Naviance
Updates to Naviance

Creating a Resume in Naviance

Steps To Create a Resume in Naviance Student: 
  1. Login to your Naviance account & click on the "About Me" Tab. 
  2. Click on "My Stuff" from the dropdown menu, then click on "resume".
  3. To add a new resume, click on the plus sign. 
  4. If you've already started a resume and want to update it, click "Add/Update Sections". The resume builder contains a list of helpful category titles to aid you in organizing your accomplishments, but you do not have to have something filled in for every category.
Once you have finished, you can choose the formatting you prefer & print your resume: 
  • Click on the "Print/Export Resume" tab
  • Download it as a Word Document or PDF
  • If a teacher requests a copy, you can attach this file into an email.

What is the SRAR?

The Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR/SSAR) allows applicants to record and submit courses, grades, and test scores as part of your college application to participating colleges and universities. Many colleges have moved to this system and expect their applicants to complete this portion before their application is considered "complete". 
Since accuracy is critical, it's important to get a copy of your high school transcript to reference as you are completing the SRAR. We've linked instructions & help links for the two most popular SRAR colleges that our students apply to as an example of the expectations.

2023: Transition to College


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Postsecondary Planning Guide
Quick Reference Guide
Details on how to request transcripts & letters of rec in Naviance
Transcript Release Form
School Profile

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School District
PT High School
Address Info
121 Rolling Hills Drive
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724.941.6251
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