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631 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724-941-6251
Fax: 724-941-6565
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Food Service FAQ

Food Service: Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find menus?
A copy of the menu can be accessed through your child’s school Web site, , and click on the building menus on the right side of the page. 
What does a full meal include?
Lunch menus include entrée choices ranging from hot feature items, grill favorites, hearty salads, and sandwiches that provide meat/meat alternates and grains plus milk, fruits and vegetable sides. 
Of the 5 components offered, students MUST take at least 1/2 cup of fruit/juice OR vegetable and a minimum of 2 other foods for a reimbursable meal.
Is all the food served peanut free? 
Yes, the food served is peanut free and prepared in a peanut-free environment.
Is breakfast available for my child? 
Breakfast is only available at the High School a la carte.
Can I pay for my child’s lunch online? 
Money can be added to your child’s account at any time by sending in an envelope with cash or check made out to “PTFS.” Your child should give this envelope to the lunch cashier before school. Payment can also be made online at . More information is available on our Web site under .
How can I find out what my balance is in my child’s account and his or her purchase history?
The easiest way is to create a PaySchools Central account . Your child’s purchase history is available one day after the account has been created. This site will even enable you set “low balance reminders” that will generate an email to you when your child’s account falls below your preset amount. 
What happens if my child forgets his or her lunch? 
If your son or daughter happens to forget their lunch from home, they may choose from the meal plan and you will subsequently be charged. You may call the Food Service Department as well (724) 941-6251 x 7226.
My family qualified for free/reduced-priced meals last year. Do I need to do anything for this school year? 
Yes, every year a new application needs to be completed. Students are grandfathered in from last year for the first 30 calendar days of the school year. You can access an application here at .
 Is there a website for the Food Service Department? 
Who can I contact for questions about the Food Service Program or to request a tour of my District’s food service operation? 
Please contact Rose Walther at 724-941-6251 x 7226. Someone will be back in touch with you within 24 hours.
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School District
Peters Township School District
Address Info
631 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724-941-6251
Fax: 724-941-6565
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