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631 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724-941-6251
Fax: 724-941-6565
View Peters Township School District


Visitor Management: Creating Restrictions on Access to Your Child

The District utilizes the Raptor Visitor Management system to assist with safety efforts related to visitors to our schools. This system scans state issued identification of all visitors and compares it to a national sex offender database.
As we work to provide a safe and secure environment for our students and staff, we understand that as parents and/or guardians, you may need to place restrictions on individuals who may not have access to your child during the school day. Please note that without prior written approval from a parent, students may not be released to any individual who is not included on the child’s emergency card. Photo identification is required of all visitors to the District.
Custody Arrangements
For parents with specific custody arrangements, please complete the form below, attach a copy of the court documents, and return it to your child’s school counselor. Please note that a copy must be completed annually for each child in the school system.The District cannot prohibit a natural or adoptive parent or a legal guardian from accessing the school or your child unless you provide a court order or signed custody agreement consistent with the requested prohibition.
Other Requests
For requests related to a specific individual(s) that may not request access to your child (including lunch visits, appointments with the teacher, attendance at school-day events, etc.), please complete the information below.This information will be included in our PowerSchool database and will be used by our visitor management system to alert the staff if the individual would try to enter the school via the main office. The name should be listed as it would appear on state-issued identification.
Click below to download a copy of the form. Please note that this form must be completed ANNUALLY and returned to the District with the necessary paperwork. 
Download the Form:
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School District
Peters Township School District
Address Info
631 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724-941-6251
Fax: 724-941-6565
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