How does Securly Pass work?
- Digital Request: When a student needs to leave the classroom, they use their school issued computer to request a hall pass through the Securly Pass interface. For restroom and locker passes, students initiate an “AutoPass” that they control. The teacher will verbally give them permission and the student can start and end the pass. Online teacher approval is not needed for an “AutoPass”.
- Teacher Approval: For requests to visit other classrooms or offices, the teacher receives the request and approves or denies it through the same digital system. Once approved, the system generates a digital pass that includes details like the student’s name, destination, and time of departure.
- Return and Closure: In the case of an AutoPass, students check back in using their digital pass upon returning to the classroom. The system logs their return and updates the status of their hall pass. In the case of an appointment, the receiving staff member updates the pass indicating that the student has arrived at their destination.
How does Securly Pass protect student privacy?
Students cannot view the pass activity of other classmates in the school. Unlike paper passes or sign-out sheets, which can be easily seen by anyone, Securly Pass limits access to pass information and ensures data is handled securely. Only authorized PTHS staff members can view the dashboard with access to school-wide information.
Are there staff members monitoring this pass system?
PTHS has always had staff members monitoring the hallways throughout the day. With this new system, they have access to the pass dashboard to ensure accountability for students outside of class.
Is student pass usage being monitored?
Custom reporting is available in the system if a staff member or parent questions time outside of the classroom. With this data, administrators can work with parents and students for a plan for helping the student’s classroom attendance. Reports may also help in any investigation of student misconduct by knowing who was out of class during a specific time period.
Does my child have to download an app on their phone to use this system?
No, the system is available via their District issued technology. Using the app is an option for the student, but it is not required. Students are not required to have their technology with them while in the hallway.
If you have additional questions regarding this new program, please contact
Dr. Pavlik.