The Peters Township School District and Peters Township Federation of Teachers (PTFT) have reached an agreement and a new contract has been approved by both the PTFT and the Board of School Directors in meetings that took place on July 22, 2024.
The new contract is a five-year agreement that is effective 7/1/2024 and expires on 6/30/2029.
Details of the approved contract include:
- Salary increases of $1,700 annually for teachers on steps 2-16, and $2,300 for step 17.
- Contributions to existing health plans would be changed from flat rate coverage to a percentage of premium. New rates are 10% of premium in 2024-25, with a 1% annual increase each year of the contract.
- Additional changes included clarification of contract language and minor changes to items such as dates for early retirement notification, expanding sick leave to be used to care for a sick child, parent or spouse, and the addition of a floating clerical day prior to the start of each school year.
“We are happy that the work between the District, the Teachers, and the Union Leadership has resulted in a fair agreement for all stakeholders,” said School Board member Dan Taylor, who served lead negotiator.
“We’re glad to get a fair and equitable agreement prior to the start of the school year,” said McMurray Teacher Caroline Abele, PTFT President. “We’re excited to be able to focus on doing what we love in this wonderful community.”