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School District
header address info
631 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724-941-6251
Fax: 724-941-6565
View Peters Township School District

District Admin

District Administration

The District's Administration Offices are located at 631 East McMurray Road, across from McMurray Elementary School. Offices are open from 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday throughout the school year.
The Departments that may be found at this location are:
  • Office of the Superintendent: Dr. Jeannine French
  • Deputy Superintendent/Title IX Coordinator: Dr. Jennifer Murphy
  • Assistant Superintendent: Dr. Michael Fisher
  • Pupil Personnel: Mrs. Patricia Kelly
  • Business Office: Mr. Brad Rau
  • Human Resources: Mrs. Louise Woods-Rzepka
  • Public Relations: Mrs. Shelly Belcher
  • Food Service: Mrs. Rose Walther
  • Technology: Mr. Adam Swinchock
To contact a member of the District Administration, please visit the Staff Directory.

Business Office

The Business Office is responsible for all financial issues for the District. It coordinates preparation of the annual budgets (General, Capital Reserve, Construction, and Technology Funds) and the annual financial report; supervises the school district investments, purchasing, accounts payable, payroll, and employee benefits; and oversees the Building and Grounds, Transportation, Technology (network infrastructure and hardware), and Food Service Departments. The Business Office Acts as liaison with the Office of the Tax Collector and assists in the negotiation of employee contracts, and facility building projects.
To learn more about the Business Office, please CLICK HERE.
For an overview of the District Budget, please CLICK HERE

Human Resources

The Human Resources Department provides comprehensive personnel, employee, labor relations, and administrative services to all staff members. In addition to coordinating the hiring of staff members across all buildings, the department also manages the employee benefits program, workers' compensation among other personnel matters. 
For information on employment opportunities, please CLICK HERE

Public Relations

The Public Relations Department handles media relations, issues management, publications, information distribution, special events, and safety for the entire school district. Through proven PR strategies, we communicate to our key stakeholders using a variety of high-tech and interpersonal tools.
To learn more about District Communications, please CLICK HERE

Food Service

The Food Service team oversees the daily lunch program at each of our schools. The Department also provides services to students with food allergies and coordinates the Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program in the District.
For more information on Food Service including menus, please CLICK HERE.

District Technology

The Peters Township School District has made a significant investment and commitment to technology integration and utilization at all levels. The District uses technology to support and enhance the educational process, to facilitate District operations, and to communicate and store data and information at various levels.
Before students can use district computers on the District’s network, they are required to electronically log in and agree to abide by the District’s Technology Acceptable Use Policy. There is a summary of the policy on the computer screen that the student can read each time before clicking on “agree.” It is assumed that the parents of all students will agree to this procedure, otherwise the parent is to notify the school office that his/her child will not be permitted to use District technology-related equipment.
To review a copy of this policy, please CLICK HERE

Contact Us

To contact a member of the District Administration, please visit our Staff Directory.
Related Links
PTSD does NOT carry medical insurance on students. However, the District does provide parents with the opportunity to select a primary excess group insurance plan for students. This plan can be purchased any time during the school year.
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School District
Peters Township School District
Address Info
631 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724-941-6251
Fax: 724-941-6565
Copyright © 2024. Peters Township School District. All Rights Reserved. School CMS created by eSchoolView